日本建築学会 日本建築学会図書館 デジタルアーカイブ


Photographs of Architecture in Meiji and Taisho Periods
This book was compiled from photographs of fine buildings shown in an exhibition held in 1936 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of AIJ. The 250 buildings that appear in this book were all renowned structures completed during the Meiji and Taisho Periods (1868-1926), representing the age with their distinctive architectural features. This book provides basic historical data on Japan’s architectural field before WWII, selecting photographs taken at the earliest possible time after completion of each building, while including not only the names of the designers but also descriptions of the times that the structures perished.

書 名 著 者 出版年 データ
明治大正建築写真聚覧 建築學會/明治建築資料に関する委員会 編 1936 詳細