About Postponed ALGODE 2011

The organizing committee of ALGODE 2011 Symposium would like to announce a new schedule for the postponed ALGODE 2011 conference after 2 month of considerations. It will be held on November 13-14 at the original conference venue in Tokyo with partial modifications to the program.

Japan is still struggling with an unprecedented disaster of its history. The damages are immense, and disruptions in our economy and industries will last for decades to come. The accidents at the nuclear power plant unveiled serious issues we must consider for the future.
However those of us in Tokyo suffered minimally and the city has recovered all of its urban functions. It is time to convene our efforts to overcome the difficulties and repay kind supports from the international community by moving forward with our expertise. It is a valuable opportunity to discuss important issues of algorithmic design for architecture and urbanism under recognition of this considerable experience. We propose to hold the symposium with 3 modifications to the program.

1. Add a special session on the role of algorithmic deign for disaster prevention and reconstruction.
2. Provide web conferencing online for presentations and broadcast all sessions for participants who cannot come to Japan.
3. Exhibit works from AAST International Workshop on the theme of emergency shelters in Japan.

Although details of program will be announced on the ALGODE website, in the meantime we hope you will arrange your schedule accordingly. Please let us know if you prefer to present via web conference.
We regret the inconvenience caused to all participants as a result of postponement, but we sincerely would like to make the best efforts toward our original aim of promotion of international communications in this advanced and practical field.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you.

Yasushi Ikeda
Chair of ALGODE 2011 organizing committee
June 24, 2011
(Link to Japanese version)